Monday, January 12, 2009

Ready, Set, GO!!!

Wow. 2009 is going to fly by in a flash. Here's my list of things going on starting this week:

Wednesday my parents are coming to pick up the little girl to keep her while we are in Orlando.
Thursday EARLY we fly out, then go check in to the hotel, then go to Epcot.
Friday is Kennedy Space Center, then a formal dinner where I can show off my new dress that night.
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday morning are mostly free. We're probably doing Disney at least one of those days, but I think we'll just play it by ear, then we fly back Monday.

Monday, we have to get the little girl back, who will be insanely spoiled rotten by then.

Tuesday I start school. I bought my books last week, and ladies and gentlemen, it's hold on to your butt times. I have upwards of THIRTY books to read this semester. For four classes. Yes, I said 30. More books to read than I am years old. In 16 weeks. Plus the papers and quizzes and midterms and just regular studying. Oh and the husband and cooking and cleaning and taking care of an almost-one-year-old (GASP!) baby. I have a lady lined up to take care of Brynn while I'm in class, and she seems really nice and I feel like Brynn is in good hands. 

On top of all this, I'm trying to plan a vacation for the summer to go to Costa Rica, and I need to get things going for Brynn's birthday party because that is just a few short weeks away and I haven't begun other than pick a date. Life is zooming by faster than I can breathe. 

So take a deep breath and relax for me. I officially don't have time for that anymore. Whew.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


It really just hasn't been the best week. 

The little girl was sick for her first Christmas. She tried to be a trooper through the 4 Christmases and 500 miles in 30 hours, but she was just not her happy entertaining self, and I'm so sorry she didn't get to enjoy it like she should have. She went to the doctor on Friday and has an ear infection, and is on the mend, but what a day to get sick. It hurt my heart for her.

Kenneth had to go to the doctor on Saturday. He has been sick for weeks, but refused to go, but gave up being stubborn and went. Now I'm kinda sickly, but I think mine is just a minor cold and I'll clear up in a few days.

I got terrible news from Carrie about Daniel's dad. The truth is, I don't even know what to say to her or Daniel about it. "I'm sorry" really doesn't mean anything. I know all the optimists in the world that are saying he'll turn around and beat it are probably annoying, even with their great intentions. There's always hope, sure, but it doesn't sound like there's much of it, and just trying to skim over what will probably happen and dismissing it doesn't really make anyone feel better. Because then you have to put on that brave face and say "Sure he can beat it! He will, I just know it!" even when you may not mean it. I love Carrie and Daniel so much. They are my best friends. My go-tos. Some of the only people in the world where you can hang out and not really feel like you're doing anything different than hanging out at home, not being anyone else but you. Not a guest, or a host, or anything. You just get to be you. I want nothing but greatness and happiness for them, ever. The truth is, I'm a little bit mad that they have to deal with this. They shouldn't. I wish I could fix it. 

And, to end this depressing little thing I have going, my childhood puppy died today. She really was a truly great dog. I kind of knew at Christmas that I may not see her again. She's been really old for a really long time, but it will really sting the next time we go visit and she doesn't come up to say hi to us. She has been around to see me through the worst grief of my life, the fights with my dad, the rebellious prodigal daughter phase, being married and becoming a mama, and I'm very sad that she won't be there for the rest. My stepmom said they buried her with 3 new cases of tennis balls, which she lived to chase right up to the end, and I can't think of a more perfect way to send her off. Some archaeologist 6000 years from now will think that they know how loved she was, but they'll just have a little fragment of how much it really is. 

The bad things going on will get better. Sicknesses heal, grief lessens eventually if they don't, and sometimes just the busy-ness of life can be a godsend for the distraction it brings. 

Monday, December 22, 2008


I can't believe it's here already. All the presents are bought and wrapped (and some already unwrapped. What can I say? I'm like a little kid about Christmas. I want my presents as soon as someone will let me have them.) The princess got to unwrap her very first Christmas present, and LOVED it (picture as soon as I can find where the husband hid the camera). In fact, she loved it so much she unwrapped two of her uncle's presents too. Silly girl. I got a VERY cool new knife to cook with. I'm going to have to step up my cooking skills to warrant owning such a beautiful thing. Kenneth got an iPod touch (do you wanna touch, do you wanna touch, etc. It's been in my head since I ordered it. Stupid effective advertising). I don't think he's put it down since he got it. He may have slept with it even. 

In other news, I still don't like egg nog. I try it every year. And every year, I almost like it and just fall short of actually liking it. I'm sure I'll try again next year, but this year is still a no-go. 

I have to say, even with the happy holiday time, there is a lot of terrible things happening to people I care about. It's a weight on my shoulders that some of my best friends are struggling through horrible things at what should be such a happy time, and there's just nothing I can do to help any of them. We're all too busy with family things to see each other, and I think everyone needs that more than ever. So here's my love to my friends, in a cold little impersonal blog, because that's the only way anyone has time to say it these days. A new year and fresh beginnings are just around the corner. Hang tight, my friends. It will get better. Try to enjoy your Christmas. I'm thinking about you. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's the little things

It's easy to forget to do things like put up all the clothes you see in the background of this picture when you spend time pondering why, when surrounded by awesome toys that make noise, jingle, rattle, pop out balls to chase, have good soft fluffiness, etc., that a simple dollar store rubber duck that is supposed to be a bath toy is the ultimate favorite. This thing goes with her everywhere. And really, look how happy it makes her. It's a little stupid but a whole, whole lot cute. And don't lie. I know you are jealous of her eyelashes. I am too.

Monday, December 8, 2008

For real?

See, I was just beginning to think that maybe just maybe the little girl was starting to look like me just a little. And then I'm browsing through the pics taken with the webcam and find this. So no, she still doesn't look like me. Got the blue eyes, but otherwise, she's exactly like her dumb dad. I had to cook her! She should at least look like me by osmosis! It isn't fair. But how lucky that she manages to look like him only a lot less goofy and a lot more pretty. It takes a special girl to pull that off.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Ok, so today was the day for the monthly review at my gym, even though I've only been there two weeks. So I got weighed while I looked at the ceiling because I'm weird, and then I got measured, and guess what? I've lost two inches off my waist already! In two weeks, including all the Thanksgiving feasts! I really didn't expect to see any progress at all, I mean, it's only been two weeks, and I know these things take awhile to happen, but HOW COOL IS THAT? So I'm super excited. It's 6 weeks until our Orlando trip, and I'm going to be smokin hot when we go. Florida won't even know what hit it! And I bought a dress for $600 off what it cost originally and I think it's going to be beautiful. I don't know why I think I can buy a dress sight unseen and love it when I've tried on fifty and hated them all, but I just have a good feeling about it. We'll see when it gets here.

The princess panda has taken three steps all by herself in the last week. I can't believe how big she is getting. She is just so much fun these days. All personality and happy and cute, but stubborn and silly and wonderful. I really like her. I think I'll keep her.

We have nothing planned for this week or weekend. We still have to get our Christmas stuff out and put up, and I have to start shopping soon. I know it's December, but I still just don't really feel like it's Christmas yet. I'm getting there though. It's going to be an easy shopping year, except my dumb husband. The man doesn't want or need anything, the spoiled brat! I'm supposed to be the spoiled one here! I'll think of something though. It will be fun this year with the little girl. I'm excited to see her eat wrapping paper. 

Thursday, November 20, 2008


If ever you should find yourself in a gym, running late to a kickboxing class, only to walk in and find out that, instead of kickboxing, they are doing something called "interval training" today, my heartfelt advice is to RUN RUN RUN away in the other direction, as fast as you can. You will hate me for telling you to run but believe me, it is FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. Interval training is a demonic combination of step aerobics (which I am way too uncoordinated for), weight training, a thousand lunges, and jump roping. It is nonstop coordinated confusion of hurting. Don't do it. Don't get suckered in by the sweet looking women saying "Oh sure you can do it! It will be fun! It's ok that it's only your fourth day here and you are obviously out of shape, it will be GREAT!" Don't believe their smiling faces. Just don't do it. 

I'm trying to tell myself I will feel better tomorrow, but the honest truth is, my sweet little baby is in her room yelling at me to get her from her nap and the thought of having to stand up, walk, and pick her up is bringing tears to my eyes.